Friday, November 30, 2018

Week of 11/28/2018

Week of 11/28/2018                                                Akash Sandhu

The guide arm design and assembly is complete. The mounted points have been added to both the drive and slave bogie guide arm. The last FEA was also completed for the slave bogie guide arm as show below. There are confirmed mounting points on the slave bogie. There still need to be mounting points made on the drive bogie. The goal is to finish up the report, and the bill of materials. The goal when the semester ends is to start working on Engineering drawings.
Factor of Safety = 3.321

Factor of Safety = 3.659

Monday, November 26, 2018

Week of 11/21/2018

Week of 11/21/2018                                                                                                       Akash Sandhu   
 For the guide arm, the mounting points on the guide arm were also created for the slave bogie. They have been test fitted on slave bogie assembly. However, they need to be test fitted on the final slave bogie design that the interaction team is working on. The image of the test fitted guide arm on the slave bogie is provided below. The goal of upcoming week is report and presentation. The both the guide arms still need to be tested on the curved section of the track.

Figure 1: This image show the guide arm attached to the slave bogie.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

11/14/2018                                                                                                                        Akash Sandhu

Guide Arm
I have added mounting points to the guide arm for the drive bogie, and have tested that it fits the drive bogie. Now the interaction team needs to add mounting points to the drive bogie. Last, there was also focus on completing the last individual writing assignment. The goal is to determine mounting points for the slave bogie next. FEA was also completed on the guide arm with these new mounting points, and two different loading scenarios were tested. The F.o.S was 2.8 for one scenario and 4.4 for the other.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Week 11/7/2018

Week 11/17/2018                                                                 Guide Arm (Akash Sandhu)

       For the guide arm, I was facing two problems. As discussed in Presentation 2, the exact spring I had designed and calculated for was not available at McMaster-Carr, so I had to adapt my design and redo my calculations with the new spring. When I redesign the spring load wheel holder with the new slot dimensions, the slot came in the way the spring was compressed all the way. To accommodate the problem, I decrease the total amount the wheel was allowed to move, and then I to make changes to the new arm of the guide-arm. The new guide-arm was also designed this week. Furthermore, the spring will be pre-loaded even when going down straight stretches of the track. Lastly, I am also working on the last individual writing assignment which is due next week.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Week of 10/31/2018

Individual blog- Akash Sandhu-10/31/2018

Guide Arm:
  • currently working on improving on the design for the spring holder and wheel holder
    • the Safety factor is really high attempting to decrease material and make design changes to improve design and optimize for safety of factor above 2, but not extremely high.
    • images of the components are provided that show area where material can be removed.
    • furthermore, the prototype should a concern a different loading concern when it comes off of switching tracks, the force will not all be perpendicular to the track, so additionally FEA was done with different loading conditions.
      • minimum Factor of safety = 27
  • goals for next week
    • start report
    • Redesign my initial design of the "arm" for the guide arm,
      • and hopefully have confirmed mounting points from interaction team.

Figure 1: The blue areas shows where most of the load is acting.

Figure 2: The transparent areas show where material can be taken off.

Figure 3: The loading was changed for this FEA study of the part.